The cause of excessive hair loss

The cause of excessive hair loss

from many problems in our lives, and these problems affect us negatively, and they also affect our mood.

What makes the matter worse, and troubles the soul, is when hair falls out a lot without knowing the reason for this loss, which increases our confusion and anxiety.

According to what medical studies have proven, and what is stated on the web teb of medicine, the normal rate of hair growth is about 90% of hair grows all the time. During the resting phase, for a period that may extend from two to three months, then this hair falls out with the end of the rest period, and when the hair falls out, new hair grows from the hair particles; To start a new growth cycle from the beginning, as head hair grows between 10 to 15 millimeters every month, however, as a person gets older, the pace of hair growth begins to slow down. 


  • Natural Hair Loss:

Mostly the phenomenon of hair loss is a result of the natural growth cycle of hair. Falling at a rate ranging from 50 to 100 hairs per day is very natural. 

Here are the causes of hair loss in detail: 

  1. one of the main causes of hair loss is the excessive use of materials that contain chemicals such as: (dyes - creams - hair straightening creams - shampoo) which harms the hair scalp; They result in noticeable and rapid hair loss, and this affects the hair and causes it to fall out frequently.

Some dyes contain harmful chemicals that affect the scalp and cause harm to it. Which leads to noticeable rapid hair loss, and creams that do not conform to medical specifications may be an effective cause of hair loss on the head. 

Also, the excessive use of creams is the cause of blocking the pores of the scalp; This leads to hair loss on the head, especially the creams used to straighten the hair, as they weaken the hair and change its texture; This leads to hair stress and hair loss. 

The use of shampoos that do not comply with medical specifications also leads to significant and rapid hair loss, which causes severe damage to the hair and makes it fall out frequently, which causes its owner to worry. 

  1. One of the causes of hair loss is physical and psychological stress; They lead to hair loss by a large worrying rate.
  2.  One of the causes of hair loss that many do not notice is tension and psychological and nervous pressure, which many do not pay attention to, which causes damage to hair and loss.
  3. One of the causes of hair loss that is overlooked by many and proven by recent medical studies and research is the high level of cholesterol in the blood; that may cause hair loss. 
  4. Which also leads to hair loss and a defect in the body's immune system; which may cause general weakness and emaciation in the body, and result in excessive hair loss; Which makes its owner anxious. 
  5. Which also leads to hair loss and a defect in the body's immune system; Which may cause general weakness and emaciation in the body, and result in hair loss in the head.
  6. What also causes hair loss is a lack of vitamins in the body, especially vitamin B7 and B12, as they strengthen the hair on the head, and prevent loss and damage.
  7. One of the reasons for the loss is also the presence of a defect in the thyroid gland, and this imbalance results in the secretion of hormones in the body, and these hormones lead to profuse hair loss. 
  8. Among the reasons that lead to profuse hair loss are scalp infections resulting from dyes, creams, or individual creams or shampoos, or also resulting from a lack of vitamins. These chemicals and this lack of vitamins cause damage to the scalp that results in hair loss. 
  9. One of the causes of head hair loss - especially for women - is pregnancy and childbirth, especially with women who suffer from anemia or vitamin deficiency, which causes hair loss in women during these periods.
  10. Some studies have proven that breastfeeding may be a major cause of hair loss in women during breastfeeding.

(All medications for severe hair loss are available at Adam's pharmacy).

There are many reasons for hair loss:

  1. Malnutrition:

Many people neglect their diet; This has a direct negative impact on the hair, as it leads to frequent loss; Where the body needs zinc, iron and protein that are important for hair.

In this case, he must replace the lost iron, weight and protein with medicines and nutritional supplements; In order to compensate for this abundant hair falling.

(All vitamins and nutritional supplements for severe hair loss are available at Adam's Pharmacy).


  1.  Telogen effluvium:

which studies have shown is caused when the body passes a large period - from 3 to 6 months - of physical or emotional stress. The person in this period needs a sufficient period of physical and psychological rest, and he also needs vitamins and proteins; To compensate for what the body lost during this stressful period, and to compensate for the hair lost during this period.


  1. Hair styling with certain styles: Hairstyles

that pull the scalp (such as a ponytail or a narrow bun), staying on these styles of hairstyles for long periods, hair breakage, making it vulnerable to severe fall, these styles must be avoided.


  1. Alopecia areata:

it is a very disturbing autoimmune disease; As it causes the body to mistakenly attack the cells of the body, and with them also the cells of the head and hair, which leads to hair loss and makes it vulnerable to rapid fall.


  1. Androgenetic alopecia (Androgenetic Alopecia):

It affects more men than women, and is often hereditary, and begins to appear after puberty and before the age of forty.

It is treated with topical medications, or medications based on hormones.

Some studies have shown that alopecia areata may be caused by physical or emotional trauma; A person must avoid such shocks, so as not to suffer from severe hair loss that needs treatment, which may be long.

All topical medications, creams and shampoos that help treat severe hair loss are available at Adam Pharmacy.

(Diet), (diet), or (diet) may lead to hair loss; This causes anxiety for many who follow certain diets, or do dieting.


You must consult a doctor when following a diet so that you can replace the missing vitamins that lead to hair loss, especially vitamin B7, B12, and vitamin D, in order to maintain the beauty and freshness of your hair, and thus avoid hair loss. 

These are the reasons that lead to a lot of hair loss, so that we avoid them, and maintain the health and freshness of our hair.

Q (Prevention is better than cure).


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